Chris and I studied social science together at Birmingham Uni and both lived at the Birmingham Settlement where we had to contribute some voluntary work. So every Friday lunchtime we set off together, Chris driving the van and me ready to do the running, to deliver meals on wheels. Later we would swop the van for the minibus and, with others, set off for Clun to do some work on the dilapidated cottage owned by the Settlement. There we got used to gas mantles and a strainer under the tap to catch fresh water shrimps! Later, by about 25 years, we met by chance at an open evening at Marlborough School in St Albans where we discovered all our children were attendees. Small world.
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Great to hear these memories Sally. Dad always used to go on endlessly about how good the water tasted whenever we were in the North/Scotland. I didn't know that he was comparing it with tap water that potentially contained the odd shrimp or two!